Building community-owned material management facilities has proven to be most effective in overcoming the problem of waste/plastic pollution at source. People are called to action when they face problems head-on. Through a socio-cultural approach, MPH guides the community to find ways to solve problems that are in accordance with the character of the local community.

Separation of organic, non-organic, and residue materials is the key to successful waste management in Bali and Indonesia. The active role of the community to manage waste at source is an important factor in the implementation of Bali Governor Regulation No. 47 of 2019.

The MPH team drafted and implemented the first village regulations in 2016 and since then this has been the most copied circular economy approach at the local and regional levels. We’ve initiated the integration of waste management systems and organic agriculture practices across two regions in Bali. We need to continue to expand the impact of successful waste management to stop plastics from contaminating rivers, oceans and agricultural fields.

We’re currently focused on the Gianyar area where we run the Gianyar Material Recovery Partnership (GMRP) with Rumah Kompos Padangtegal, Temesi Recycling, Griya Luhu, and the Gianyar Regency Government. The target of the MPH program is to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills by up to 50 percent in five years, equivalent to 123 trucks per day, or 45,000 trucks per year. We need support to replicate our regionally successful model and we want to scale our program in other regions/Kabupatens/countries throughout Indonesia.

Tel: +62 878 61758209
IG: @mph.bali
FB: @MerahPutihHijau