australian supermodel

With or Without A Crown, You Are Always A Queen
Indonesia, 9 September 2022 – Australian Supermodel of The Year is an annual beauty pageant-styled modelling competition and learning program based in Melbourne, Australia, committed to True Inclusiveness. The pageant believes in inclusiveness that represents people of all colours, people of all sizes, people of all faiths and people with different or even conflicting views. Aiming to create a community that understands, respects and enables a free and fair opportunity for everyone, the competition helps young aspiring models to learn about the creative, advertising, marketing & commercial aspects of the fashion and modelling industry through coaching sessions and ongoing mentoring by industry experts and thought leaders. The approach is wholistic covering important topics like communication, time management, financial discipline, social media mastery, body positivity, self-love, health & diet, resilience, meditation, mindfulness, styling, make-up, collaborations and of course, photography & runway skills. Opportunities and possibilities in modelling are also discussed extensively during workshops and mentoring sessions.

The core belief behind ASOTY is that fashion modelling will eventually progress through the stage of role-modelling into ethical activism. Women are going to be at the forefront of a new world order shouldering the responsibilities to fix environmental, social, political and economic issues that the world is facing today. Models today are no more ‘just a pretty face and a hot body’. In fact, they never were. Women have always been the kinder, wiser and the braver gender. It is their kindness, compassion and patience that made them play the second fiddle to men through most of the history. By joining ASOTY 2023, With our Without A Crown, You Are Always A Queen, as stated in the competition’s tagline this year.

australian supermodel

Laina Eady – ASOTY Winner 2021 & Bella Fernandes – ASOTY Winner 2022

Seen in picture: Laina Eady @laina.eady Australian Supermodel of The Year 2020/ 2021 Winner & Bella Fernandes @bellaafernandesofficial – Australian Supermodel of The Year 2022 Winner

ASOTY 2023 is Now Open to Applicants from Indonesia!
The competition is back in a hybrid format, part-digital and part physical, with its Grand Finale scheduled in Bali for February 2023. The 2022 Program was a complete digital experience due to the pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions. The Grand Finale of the Competition includes an international runway where all the finalists showcase collections from leading Australian & Indonesian designers.

Registration for Indonesia’s applicants will be opened until 21 September 2022.

This year, ASOTY is calling out Indonesian girls and women to enroll on this competition which is divided into 4 main categories:

Main Categories:
Runway/ Catwalk
Editorial/ Fashion
Commercial/ Advertising
Social/ Influencer

Activist (default)

It is mandatory that applicants chose one main category to compete. Applicants may also choose a sub-category that better represents them and helps them connect, speak on behalf of, and network with like-minded people.

“Activist” is the default sub-category that applicants are registering under for the 2023 Program unless they select any of the specific sub-categories namely curve, petite, fitness and modest. ASOTY is looking for models who are passionate about something, stand for something and speak up for what they believe in.

australian supermodel

The Runway Category, also known as catwalk, is for girls who love walking the ramp displaying designer creations to the audience. Every finalist, however, regardless of their category gets coached for the runway and gets to walk the international fashion show during the ASOTY grand finale.

The Editorial Category is open for those who love being in front of the camera. Those who love exploring the art of fashion and expressing themselves through stories told by photographers and fashion designers. Brands, designers, publications and creators are always on the lookout for that fresh and unique face. Apply under the Editorial Category if you like your photos do most of the talking for you.

Posing and promoting products in marketing campaigns. That is basically what commercial modelling is all about and is more diverse in nature.

Everyone wants to be an influencer these days. Explore the possibilities to impact communities and corporations towards a better and happier planet under the Social Category.

australian supermodel

Some of the Categories may have specific requirements like an age limit, and minimum height. Most categories, however, are open to all. Ensure that you are picking the right category according to your interest, passion and strengths. Applicants can change the category even after proceeded to the Entrant Stage. The Entrant Stage is the level after applicants are successful in the auditions.

australian supermodel

The Auditions:
The auditions are divided into two sections. Applicants will be required to send in a video answering a few questions once their application is approved. These questions are aimed at knowing more about the applicant as a person, understanding their passion and goals, and making sure they are aligned with ASOTY’s vision of a responsible, meaningful & purposeful world of modelling.

The applicants will have two weeks to submit these videos after they receive the set of questions. It will also be required to include a short video showcasing candidate’s runway abilities.

The second part of the auditions through a Zoom call with candidates who are successful in the first part of the auditions will then be scheduled.

The Grand Finale Night: 
The Grand Finale will consist of five rounds including:

  • A Denim Collection designed by ASOTY Vision Director & Fashion Director, Kal Kalim
  • A Swimwear & Resortwear Collection
  • An Activewear & Sportswear Collection
  • Collections from Australian & Indonesian Designers

Sustainability Initiative
In 2023, ASOTY will become the first and only beauty pageant to ever feature Sustainable Fashion rounds during the Grand Finale. All the finalists will be required to bring two outfits for the Sustainability rounds.

  • An outfit recycled, repurposed or re-used. This could be from existing wardrobe, something passed on from Mother or Grandmother, or from a thrift shop
  • An outfit from a local designer or start-up in the origin city or country of the candidate. This is part of the ASOTY Supporting Local Businesses initiative

Sustainability, sisterhood and supporting local businesses is a huge focus at ASOTY for the last two years. The grand finals this year are going to be more about social work, networking, cultural exchange and the final runway night which is the highlight of the entire program” according to Kal Kalim, Vision Director & Fashion Director of ASOTY. “ASOTY is continuously evolving as we respond to the needs and challenges of the new world. We are looking for girls who believe in something that is good for the planet and the human beings, girls who stand up for their beliefs and speak up about what they believe in. ASOTY was probably the first modelling competition to include girls of all sizes, shapes and skin colours, much before diversity and inclusion became buzz words in the industry. Going further, we are exploring diversity in thinking, beliefs, cultures and goals.”

Responsible and purposeful brands are looking for Activists and Role Models to represent them and that is exactly what ASOTY is focusing on delivering. It is an initiative that has been taken during the pageant’s journey towards a safer and better planet, and ASOTY wants to support sustainable brands by identifying, mentoring and managing the right talents. The ASOTY talent management is currently offering its services in Australia and India, and Indonesia is going to be a big focus this year.

Australian Supermodel of the Year is not about finding ‘a supermodel’. It is about helping every girl out there discover the Supermodel within her” added Kal. “There is a Supermodel in each one of us.

Further information is available at

To enroll, please click here.