Aw… Turtles Bid For Freedom

Conserve and share! Baby turtle release at The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali.

The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali supported Bali Sea Turtle Society by releasing 50 baby turtles into the sea on 25 May 2018. The activity was led by I Gusti Ngurah Tresna, best known as Mr Turtle, on the beach in front of Sands Restaurant at The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali.

The turtle release started at 4pm with some interesting turtle facts and information on how we can help conserve turtles. β€œWe live on an island where beauty is provided by Mother Nature, we need to support conservation and ensure that our children will be able to see what we can see now. In our turtle conservation, the team relocates sea turtle eggs from the beach to a central hatchery to protect the eggs and improve hatching rates. The eggs take between 45-60 days to develop and hatch,” said Tresna.

β€œIt’s time to support conservation, one of the best ways of keeping our environment sustainable. We will hold this kind of activity more often so we can support the local community and also thank them for their dedication,” said Denny A. Ermansyah, General Manager of The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali.