Bali Sustainable Seafood

Promoting sustainable fishery for the sake of Indonesian ocean’s longevity.

Bali Sustainable Seafood is a Bali-based seafood supplier that works to develop eco fisheries impact around Indonesia. The goals are to protect the environment, ensure ecological sustainability and support the economic livelihood of the local fishermen community. Small-scale fishermen catch our seafood by using low impact fishing equipment such as handline that will not endanger the health and longevity of Indonesian ocean for the next generation.

We offer products such as tuna, salmon, barramundi, snapper, mahi-mahi, eco-shrimp, squid, octopus and more, varying from fresh, frozen and smoked to dry aged items. By purchasing Bali Sustainable Seafood’s products, not only you are supporting local economic gains, but you are also giving a positive impact for Indonesia’s fishery.

This Saturday, Bali Sustainable Seafood was proudly featured on The Yak’s Fab40 Event on 29 May 2021, taking you on a journey of flavor explosion by offering smoked salmon canapes for everyone to enjoy. Should you require further information, please visit our website at www.balisustainableseafood.com.

FB: Cyril KongoBali Sustainable Seafood

IG: @balisustainableseafood