Going Green is About Integrative Design and Sensible Engineering – Mantra has the Experienced and Dedicated Team, They’ll Even Help You Save Money!

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) is a design philosophy which focuses on understanding our impact on the natural environment to eliminate or significantly reduce the ecological impact of the built environment through skilful engineering and sensitive design.

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Sustainability in buildings is not just about building architecture and using natural materials like wood and plants. This does not make buildings sustainable. Sustainable development is about integrative design and sensible engineering which builds on the principles of physics and understanding the local climate and environment. Developing buildings to consume fewer resources in construction and operation is an art form that starts with a detailed analysis of the local natural environment. Mantra will reduce the environmental impact of your development through sustainable and ecologically friendly design practices.

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Sustainable design will also generate financial savings in energy and water consumption and reduce a properties maintenance costs. Mantra has managed over 70 projects and benchmarked that resource consumption of 50% is possible versus your traditional MEP (Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing).

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