If you Ever Wish to go Island Hopping, Choose Sumba

An animistic, megalithic culture with amazing annual spear wars, held to encourage fertility in agriculture amongst other things. With large rolling green or brown hills (depending on the time of year), you could almost find yourself on a real-life Tele-tubbie TV set. Limestone and non-volcanic, it is believed to have originally broken off from Australia !!


So why would you go? The amazing beaches; wild, little-trodden waterfalls, and dolphins swimming passed your balcony….(that was what it was like for us when we last popped over to West Sumba), the Pasola spear wars?

So when is the next Pasola – those fierce and exciting spear wars? Sadly, Pasola won’t happen during the pandemic. Hopefully, they will have it next year!


Now where would you stay? Well, if you want amazing ocean views, possible pods of dolphins passing your balcony and stay at a fabulously designed resort, following the traditional building styles of the island, then stay at Lelewatu Resort. From one-bedroom villas, most with ocean view and private pool, up to the communal Sumbawa house where a group or a big family can all stay under one roof, Sumba style! Textiles, wall hangings and the whole tribal village-style of Lelewatu proudly proclaims ‘Sumba’… You are literally transported into tradition, which is so rare these days with the myriad of cookie-cutter hotels and villas.

Heritage and nature is Lelewatu Resort’s concept and they follow this motto extremely well, so if you’re looking to immerse yourself into one of Indonesia’s unique traditions head over to Sumba, a mere hour’s flight away.

FB: Lelewatu resort sumba

IG: @lelewatusumba

Tel: +62 811 3960 6060
