We totally fell in love with the word “significant” recently, well, that would have been toward the end of 2021. Why? I suppose because we are living in significant times, surrounded by significant people, doing significant things – not all of them positive mind!
The best thing about the word significant is that it doesn’t necessarily have either a positive or a negative spin to it… It only takes on a “charge” when twinned up with a positive or negative experience, persona or idea…So it is a powerful word that lends gravitas to a certain moment, person or thing…And so was born SGNFCNT – podcasts by The Yak.
Our initial recordings were held in the spacious Double Espresso Studios in Legian. The Yak commandeered their editing room and from there has, and still will be bringing SGNFCNT chats with significant people right to your “eardrobes” via YouTube, Spotify, Apple podcast and Beansprout.
Our SGNFCNT tag line? Laying it on the line: Experiences and Influences • Dramas and Dreams! That sums up quite succinctly what to expect from a podcast by The Yak!!
And, finding form in The Yak magazine’s tag line – the lighter and darker sides of Bali – Asia’s fashionable playground – Nigel Simmonds will be in charge of the “dark side” and yours truly, Sophie Digby, will be chatting to the light beings – those eco warriors, philanthropists and energy creatives.
SGNFCNT has already hosted:
For the light side – Bandana Tewari – Sustainability activist; Sunny Dillinger – SunCode artist and Okkie Soebagio – Philanthropist and investor.
And batting for the dark side we have Mark Baker – Organic farmer and entrepreneur; Athron McCann – Musician & music producer and Ozlem Esen – Rapper, fashion stylist and mother.
Just so you know, there really is no separation between the darks or the lights, it’s all just a bit POLENG if you ask me!
Launching this very Friday – 20th May, 2022 at Brass Bali in Renon from 5pm – 7pm. RSVP is you wish to come along! Em: media@theyakmag.com
Nota Bene: If you want to record a podcast with us at The Yak just get in touch: media@theyakmag.com
We’re happy to discuss terms and conditions… Lightness and dark to you all!
YouTube: The Yak Magazine